Sunday, March 11, 2007


"And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in You." Psalm 39:7

Daily I get asked the question, "what next". In all honesty I don't know what next. School is an option, but it's not really a big desire upon my heart. If anything right now I want to pay off my credit card dept. I did have it all paid off, but foolishly I went and used them again, it's not really a lot, but I'm pretty much right back where I started this year, and it's even harder now because I took a very big drop in pay with the job I now have. Right now my plan is to get out of debt, after that, I don't know. I trust the Lord will guide me to where He wants me, and wherever that is I know He will provide. People tell me it's good to plan ahead, and being a former truck driver I know how true that is. But at the same time, in trucker terms, it's good to only plan for the trip you're currently on, because you never really know where you're next trip will take you. One thing the Lord has always told me when I was out on the road, and it's what I'll do till the day I die. "Trust Me", times would come on the road when I would be in total fear, and I would just hear Him say, "trust Me". He would tell me this as I felt my tires lose traction on the ice, when the snow would blow so hard I couldn't see 2 feet past my windshield. It is not an easy thing, but it is so very comforting knowing that at any time, whenever a situation scares you, you can just reach out your hand, and our Father in heaven will reach out and grab yours, and lead you through. My brothers and sisters, never give up on the Lord, He Loves you and He will never let you down.