Monday, January 29, 2007


Sitting here in my room looking at some old pictures of mine I can't help but thank the Lord for where I'm at today. I struggle day and night with different issues, and I may not have a lot of money, but I have a job, a place to come home to, and a warm bed to sleep in. I remember just a few months ago when it was snowing, the temperature was below zero, and I would be parked on an offramp wishing, if not praying, to be somewhere warm. I remember those lonely days and nights in the cold, hoping and praying that I would be able to make the next mile without sliding off the highway, looking forward to the day when I would be home. I see the weather across the country, the freezing temperatures, and I know what it's like out there. My prayers go out to those drivers out on the highways, stuck in the cold, alone, away from their families. I would pray day and night that the Lord would take me out of that life and bring me home, and He has done just that. We must not forget what the Lord has brought us out of, how His hand has always been upon us, protecting us and guiding us through the most troublesome of times. Life is not easy, and with Gods help and guidance, it's not hard either. May our Lord in Heaven bless you and guide you this day.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Through Music

These past couple of weeks I have been having a hard time writing on here. As I would sit down to start writing my mind would just draw a blank and then it would be as if a million thoughts would come racing in all at once. I knew what I wanted to write but I just couldn't focus, so many thoughts racing in all at once, it was driving me up the wall, I felt like I was being pulled in 50 different directions all at once. On my way to church I asked the Lord to help me focus, to pretty much "defrag" my mind and get my thoughts in order. Listening to our musical guest tonight at church did just that. The piano and violin are my two most favorite instruments, violin being the first, and when played together they make the most beautiful music. Through the use of these instruments tonight the Lord showed me what it was that was causing me to loose focus, I was beginning to focus more on my current problems then on my relationship with the Lord, I wasn't keeping up with my devotions and was falling behind in my daily reading of God's word, and because of that I was beginning to make a mess of things. In order for beautiful music to come out of these instruments you need 3 things, the instrument, the sheet music, and the musician, but the main thing you need is the sheet music. This is why I love classical music so much because this is how I see it. My life is the instrument, and I am the musician, the bible is my sheet music. When put together it's a thing of beauty. If while the musician was playing, he began to focus on other things and not on the music in front of him, he would began to make mistakes and his music would sound ugly. Like so, if we do not focus upon Gods word it is easy for us to stumble and make mistakes in our daily walk with God. As the musician plays for the audience, we live life for our Father in Heaven, He is our audience; and as we live daily by His word, He smiles and sees a thing of beauty. We are all musicians, and I like to believe that when the Lord looks upon us from Heaven, He sees an entire orchestra playing their best for Him.