Monday, December 25, 2006

A New Start

My time as a cross country truck driver has come to an end. After I returned the company truck to their yard in Hudsonville,MI I enjoyed (to an extent), a train ride home, then packed for a missions trip to Bay St.Louis, MS. I couldn't have asked for anything better, the Lord has placed me on a new path in life and He allowed me to begin it by serving Him. I would love to describe the trip to BSL but I'm still in the process of collecting my thoughts on it, and when the time is right I will share those thoughts, but for now all I can say is the Lord is starting a new work in my life and I can't wait to see what He has in store for me. I don't know what to expect, but I do know that God has it all worked out and I trust and believe in Him.


Anonymous said...

Welcome Back!

Anonymous said...

AJ - You're quite a gifted writer. To be honest it's a bit unexpected. I don't mean to sound harsh, just telling you my own skewed perception of an assumption that has been proven false. This just shows how past experiences still dictate my sight. May God use your writings & your heart to speak clearly to others just as he has with me. Thank you brother, love you.