Tuesday, November 28, 2006

He Hears...

"Hear, O Lord, when I cry aloud; be gracious to me and answer me!" Psalm 27:7

This morning before I started off down the road I had just sat in my truck, and asked the Lord to please, please clear the storm before me. I had prayed that He would just reveal His glory by breaking apart the clouds and allowing the light from His sun to shine through. As I drove off to my delivery the clouds only seemed to get darker, and the snow thicker. Yes, I was a little disappointed, and right away the enemy started on his little lies, trying to convince me that my prayers weren't heard, that I cried out in vain. Instead of listening to his lies I just put on some music (classical music of course, always cheers me up) and just talked to the Lord. Not to long after that I noticed the clouds beginning to thin, and the sun becoming visible, a little while longer blue sky began to appear, and wouldn't you know it, the clouds broke apart and the sun shone forth with all it's might. For the entire day the sky was just so beautiful it's hard to put into words. This just shows me that no matter how dark the storm, when you cry out to God and just talk to Him, He will reveal Himself to you. Maybe not right away in the split second you ask Him, but as you continue to seek Him, He will break through whatever storm your going through and reveal Himself to you and comfort you. Trust in the Lord my friends, know that He hears your prayers, and when His time is right, He will answer them.

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