Monday, November 27, 2006

Trust while in danger

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:5,6

As I was driving through Utah today I was compelled to ask a friend, by text message, what scripture really stuck to her and comforted her. She replied with this scripture and as I drove down the highway with the radio off I couldn't help but repeat it over and over. It speaks a lot, especially out here on the road. To trust in the Lord is not an easy thing to do, I see the dangers, I hear of the snow storms ahead of me and I'm honestly scared. Hearing that that my next load will be taking me through areas known to be some of the worst during winter only makes me want to up and quit right now. I'm afraid, I'm afraid of driving in the snow, but yet the word tells me to trust in the Lord, with all of my heart. My understanding of what can happen in this weather causes me to fear and slowly beats upon my trust in the Lord. I know it's the enemy who constantly reminds me of the wrecks I've seen, I know satan is the one who whispers in my ear that I could be the next one down in the ditch, and it is so hard to stand strong and not fear. It's times like this that I must remember that God loves me, He is with me and I am not alone. God tells us right here in His word that if we just trust in Him, acknowledge Him, He will direct our paths, and if He is directing my path He will protect me. Am I still afraid of driving in the snow? Yes I am, but one thing I know that comforts me, and should comfort you to, is that God is in control and we are in His hands, and there is no safer place to be then in the Hands of God.

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